If you have a job that involves plenty of bending, you may find that carrying a reaching tool makes your life easier. These simple tools allow you to pick things up off the ground without bending down — and are thus handy whether you're cleaning up a construction job site, a neighborhood park, or even a daycare. Your reaching tool makes any type of job of this nature easier, but you still want to take steps to avoid tiring out your muscles. Here are some simple techniques that you can use to limit your risk of muscle fatigue as you use your reaching tool:
Remember Not To Bend
You can be so used to bending over to pick objects up off the ground that even when you have a reaching tool at your disposal, you reach down as you use the tool. It's critical that you remember to keep your posture upright and allow the tool to do the work for you. Generally, you should be able to reach the ground with the tip of the tool without bending and potentially straining your lower back. If necessary, invest in a longer reaching tool so that you can do your work without having to bend. You can contact companies like E-ZEE Supply & Distribution for more information about your options.
Switch Hands
It's not difficult to squeeze the hand control of your reaching tool, but if you're doing this hundreds of times over the course of the day, you should expect that your hand will get tired. You don't want to develop muscle pain around your thumb, wrist, or even your forearm. To avoid such issues, simply switch the reaching tool from hand to hand repeatedly as you use it. For example, you might use the tool for five minutes in your right hand, and then switch it over to your left hand for the next five minutes. This rhythm gives your muscles a break, rather than using them continuously.
Avoid Lifting Heavy Objects
Different reaching tools are rated to lift different weights, but these tools are generally appropriate for picking up light objects — garbage around a construction site, for example. Don't try to pick up things that appear to be too heavy, even if you're appreciating the convenience of using your reaching tool. In doing so, you may straight your muscles in the arm that you're using, and possibly even your back, too. Heavy objects are best to lift using conventional means — bending at the knees and using both hands.